An easy way to track your physical assets.

Asset management software to track and manage the physical assets throughout its lifecycle for better visibility and business insights.

Scan QR code

Easy Printable QR code tags with assets details such as type of asset, asset classification & unique ref no. In-app scan to view the asset details.

Attractive Dashboard

Dashboards with actual physical assets images. Quick upload of actual photos of assets from the AMT mobile app.

Business Insights

Get Data Analytics, Reporting & Insights for audit and compliance purposes.


An easy way to track your physical assets.

AMT software is available in a web version and a mobile application that is easy to set up and uses QR code tags that can be scanned with any smartphone. When scanned, the QR code can provide complete asset information, including the asset's location, user, and unique identification number as well as its value, purchase data, and warranty information. It can also track the condition of the asset by uploading photos and documents to asset data files and calculate the asset value as per the depreciation rate per year for tax purpose.

It is easy to verify the asset at predefined intervals from multiple locations by the user himself. The asset data in the form of documents, invoices, warranties, repair records along with the user details gives complete visibility to asset usage, condition and value for improved business insights.

Key Features

Segregation of physical assets based on the organization’s various branches and its users

Easy printable QR codes/barcode tags with physical asset data such as asset type, unique ref no., etc.

Pre-set physical assets verification reminders

Dashboards with actual physical assets photos

Customizable depreciation metrics for automatic calculation of physical assets value at a given time

Get Data Analytics, Reporting & Insights for audits & compliances and other business verticals

API to integrate with existing systems

Multi-platform and device compatibility


Why do you need Asset Management Tracker?

  • Asset management Tracker - provides in-depth visibility of the assets owned by the company and its current actual value. It is very important tool to track your assets with photos and location for accurate accounting purposes.

  • It can build a framework for assigning and identifying the accountable user of a given asset for proper handling.

  • It is a quick, easy-to-use software application that can be used by the user to reduce the administrative costs of tracking and recording the company's assets. Its predetermined process makes it more efficient and reduces human errors.

  • It reduces the maintenance cost and eliminates the obsolete assets.

  • Regular verification helps in the decision-making process for new acquisitions.

  • Data recorded with Asset management tracker can make your business processes audit ready and compliant.

  • It is a smart asset management software with easy operation, mobile compatibility and affordable pricing, which makes it an ideal solution for any size of business.